About IIAP
Our Vision
To be the primary and preferred insurance institute for developing countries in Asia and the Pacific.
Our Mission
We exist to promote the growth of the insurance industry through Education and Training.
Our Beginnings
Our Institute traces its origin from a Presidential Decree issued by Philippine President Ferdinand E. Marcos in 1974. Formerly known as the Asian Institute of Insurance, the IIAP was one of four centers appointed in April 1979 at the Roundtable Meeting in Bangkok, Thailand, to elevate the field of insurance and reinsurance to higher standards, particularly among developing countries.
Today, IIAP is at the helm of charting the future of the insurance industry in the region. Taking this task to heart, the Institute unfailingly develops and offers sustainable and well-planned educational programs and related services designed to upgrade professionalism, expertise, and performance among practitioners.
Our Distinction
Our continuing commitment to insurance and reinsurance training is best evidenced by the Institute's triumph in the Asia Insurance Industry Awards as the Educational Service Provider of the Year, besting some of the most prestigious institutions in Asia. The said award is a great honor as it recognizes the standard of excellence the Institute has constantly pursued and sought to provide the industry.
We’d love to hear from you!
Email us your plans for your career development. We're confident that our courses could help you develop as a capable and well-rounded insurance professional.